FindRelief - Project Log 2
What I accomplished since Log 1
- Setup dev vs prod builds using XCConfig files, which I wrote a blog post for
- Started using packages due to some reason the previews not working in the Xcode project
- I should've really figured this issue out, but I decided to not worry about it and keep building
- Searching for a place based on a region in a user’s map
- Figure out how to use a Swift Actor to manage the search service
- I need to still dive into Swift Concurrency a lot more
- Create a route to add a place on the server
- Allow a user to Add a Place from the app
- Create a Trello board to track tasks and any features/feedback that people might have from seeing various posts on the internet
Here's a couple posts on social media I made while struggling building the app.
Post by @heyjaywilsonView on Threads
Post by @heyjaywilsonView on Threads
Post by @heyjaywilsonView on Threads
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